In 2018, a meta-analysis of 9 clinical trials was done to evaluate the effectivenss of Berberine in treating polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) patients with insulin resistance.[1]
The result was clear.
Berberine showed a promising prospect in treating PCOS with Insulin Resistance, albeit its mechanisms are still unclear.(That is usually the case with natural medicine clinical trials)
#1 PCOS has more symptoms that you can think of.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder among women, presenting at least one of the following:
polycystic ovary,
#2 PCOS and its links with insulin resistance
It is generally believed insulin resistance, which is an increased risk of glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes (T2D), is the contribute to PCOS [2] and there is about 50–75% of PCOS patients with different degrees of insulin resistance [3].
Metformin is widely used since 1994 to reduce insulin and androgen levels to normalize menses cycle, but its potential adverse affects spurred researchers to find other alternative treatments to metformin.
#3 What exactly is Berberine?
Berberine (BBR) is a major active component found Chinese herbal medicines Rhizoma Coptidis, Cortex Phellodendri, and Cortex Berberidis, and has been prescribed for the treatment of diarrhea, metabolic disorders, and infertility since ancient times.
#4 Berberine might be as effective as Metformin
Research has found that it does help PCOS patients as well as metformin. In fact, it was reported it lowered fasting blood sugar by 20%, from 7.0 to 5.6 mmol/L (126 to 101 mg/dL).[4]
#5 Berberine improve ovulation
Berberine has also been shown to improve ovulation in women with PCOS as well as improve pregnancy rates with IVF treatment. It was believed that berberine’s can lower insulin and testosterone levels as well as fat loss, which contributed to the higher pregnancy rates. [5]
#5 Berberine reduces testosterone
The same study that showed berberine improved ovulation, it also reduced total testosterone . Elevated testosterone is common in PCOS patients, therefore a supplement which reduced testosterone definitely helps with their condition. [5]
#6 How should you take Berberine and are there any side effects?
Some mild gastrointestinal discomfort has been found in patients who took berberine, which is nothing compared to that of Metformin.[6] So it is generally safe to take berberine supplements, however it is advised that you let your gynecologist know.
As a TCM practitioner myself, however,I don't prescribe berberine to any patients with the above illnesses. Berberine is a cooling herb, which should be prescribed to patients with a heaty constitution, including PCOS patients with insulin resistance. However that is in decoction form in raw herb, and if it is extracted, it does have the same benefits mentioned in this article.
#7 Berberine Supplements which are Vegan-friendly
a) Dr. Whitaker's Clinical Grade Berberine 500 mg
One capsule contains 500mg Berberine. However you should take note it contains gelatin in its capsule, be sure to remove the capsule before consuming.
Pros: It helped with some users on their sugar levels and cholesterol levels.
I bought this for my husband because I seen another girl who actually tried it and said it was great . I want to say that I am very impressed it helps a lot. My husband who could not keep his sugar down with insulin is doing awesome taking this that he stopped insulin. His sugar has went down tremendously. He use to check his sugar and it would be 578 or higher now since taking just this and nothing else we have seen sugar levels at 125-118. He has been diabetic for 5 years now and had to be hospitalized at least 6 times a year now he's doing awesome. Please try this you won't regret it ~cassidy eaton
I am getting ready to order Dr. Whitaker's Berberine for the third time . I usually don't write reviews, but this has helped me so much I felt I should share my results since I appreciate others who do so. I take 1 Metformin before my evening meal and rather than increasing that, I decided to try Dr. Whitaker's Berberine with my lunch. Using those 2 products and watching my diet like I have been doing the last year my A1C has dropped from 6.5 to 6.1 over the last 6 months.
I have tried many things to lower my cholesterol over the years because I do not want to go on statins. Nothing has worked until I started taking this Berberine. My total cholesterol went from 282 down to 234 over 6 months time! I also take Cholestoff Plus with my meals, but have done this for several years without any real success until I added the Berberine. I am very happy with what it has done for me! ~Denise B
Cons: Might have some discomfort for some.
This might be a good product, but for me, I had a reaction to it. I do have other medical problems which might be the reason. ~Thomas Wood
b) Thorne Research, Uristatin, 60 Capsules
The four botanical ingredients in Uristatin – uva ursi, buchu, Echinacea, and berberine – help maintain normal urinary tract flora, soothe irritated tissues in the bladder and other areas of the urinary tract, and prevent unwanted bacteria from attaching to the walls of the bladder and urethra.
Three capsules contain the following:
Buchu extract (leaf) (Agathosma betulina)300 mg
Echinacea angustifolia (root)300 mg
Berberine HCl (from Indian Barberry extract) (root) (Berberis aristata)300 mg
Uva-ursi extract (leaf) (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)300 mg
Ingredients include Hypromellose (derived from cellulose) capsule, silicon dioxide, leucine. Therefore it is vegetarian-friendly.
Pros: It helps with urinary track infections as well.
This product is very helpful for difficult case of UTI (antibiotic resistant UTI). The medical test results are significantly better after three week treatment. Noticed no side effects. The supplement was recommended by a nephrologyst, one capsule twice a day. The doctor also recommended to take home-made decoction of crude oats. ~greenS
Cons: You might need to take more capsules to compensate for the recommended berberine dosage.
Recommended to take 3 capsules twice a day. A bottle contains 60 capsules. Then, It’s 1 bottle every 10 days!!!!! This is extremely inefficient way pf selling the product not to mention ecological perspective. I am willing to take more if they produce a more reasonable size container. ~iHerb Customer 25 May 2019
[1] Li, M. F., Zhou, X. M., & Li, X. L. (2018). The Effect of Berberine on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Patients with Insulin Resistance (PCOS-IR): A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2018, 2532935. doi:10.1155/2018/2532935
[2] Li Z., Shen J. The Research Progress of Metformin on Tumor Inhibition. Chinese Journal of Clinicians (Electronic Version) 2011;5(17):5081–5083.
[3] Hackbart K. S., Cunha P. M., Meye R. K., Wiltbank M. C. Effect of glucocorticoid-induced insulin resistance on follicle development and ovulation. Biology of Reproduction. 2013;88(6):88–153. doi: 10.1095/biolreprod.113.107862.
[4] Efficacy of berberine in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Yin J, Xing H, Ye J. Metabolism. 2008 May;57(5):712-7. doi: 10.1016/j.metabol.2008.01.013.
[5] An Y, Sun Z, Zhang Y, Liu B, Guan Y, Lu M. The use of berberine for women with polycystic ovary syndrome undergoing IVF treatment. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2014 Mar;80(3):425-31. doi: 10.1111/cen.12294.
[6] Berberine improves insulin resistance in granulosa cells in similar way to metformin. Fertility and sterility.2006; supplement S459-S460.